Steel Framed Building Specialists
07765 905283

Price Catalogue

All of our buildings allow for a free design and quote - use these as guide designs and prices - we can produce a design and quote for you under no obligation - you can then decide on the design options and see the prices for the various design options.

American Barn - Custom
Size: 9.5m x 7m x 2.4/3.6m

Manor red walls manor red and classic cream roof trim and doors.   

Style : Manor and classic cream


American barn

       Double Garage - Custom
     Size: 5.4m x 5.5m x 2.4m

Classic cream walls deep ocean roof trim and doors.                   

Style : Deep ocean and cream


Double garage

Gambrell Roof Barn - Custom
Size: 7.5m x 7m x 2.4m

Paperbark walls and cottage green trim, doors and roof                 .

Style : Paperbark and cottage green


Basic one roller POA

gambrell building

Medium Farm Shed - Custom with roller door
Size: 9m x 14m x 3.6m

Wilderness walls cottage green roof trim and doors.                       

Style : Wilderness and cottage green



Large Farm Shed - Custom with roller door
Size: 11.4m x 11.4m x 4.2m

Wilderness walls cottage green roof trim and doors.                        

Style : Wilderness and cottage green


farm building

Large Single Garage - Custom
Size: 4.2m x 7m x 2.4m

Surf mist walls woodland grey roof trim and doors.                            

Style : Surf mist and woodland grey


single garage